If you were selecting US food stuffs for sale overseas
"Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message
> What items would you select? Now be fair. Don't pick the trashiest.
> This group tends to rear back in horror at the food choices of others
> and pretend they would never stoop so low ;o) What kinds of things do
> you count on being on the shelves of your supermarket?
> I need canned tomatoes of various kinds, Dijon and French's mustard,
> Heinz catsup, mayonnaise, canned enchilada sauce, diced green chilis,
> Pace Picante or similar, tortillas, refried beans, boxed stock, and
> yes, a couple cans of cream of mushroom and tomato soup.
> Janet US
I don't think of canned tomatoes as an American product and in fact my
favorite ones are not even American. Is Mayo American? I wouldn't think of
those Mexican foods as American products and in fact they are not widely
used in all parts of the country. Go to MA or NY and you'll find far fewer
Mexican foods in a typical grocery store than you will here in WA. Tomato
soup is hardly American either.
I would choose candies like M & Ms, Starbust, Skittles, Twizzlers.
Bisquick, Assorted Jiffy mixes, Velveeta, Wondra flour, Hamburger Helper.
Rice A Roni, Kraft Mac and Cheese. Also black eyed peas and hominy although
they are more of a Southern thing. Maple syrup. Some of the Campbells
soups like chicken and noodle and cream of mushroom. Perhaps some kind of
frozen fried chicken?