OT Pinterest hacking
"dsi1" > wrote in message
> On 1/25/2014 6:39 PM, sf wrote:
>> Yes, I understand. A couple of occasional posters from rfc also use
>> FB that way and they stay logged in so family can chat with them via
>> the chat box. I never read my FB "Friends" (including close family:
>> DS, DD nieces and nephews) home pages. If it doesn't appear in my
>> news feed, it doesn't exist. They have to tag me or mention me by
>> name with an @ to make sure I see whatever it is they want me to
>> see... and then I might miss it.
> Facebook is a big part of some people lives but I can't get a handle on
> how it works or the dynamics of it. I'm missing some sort of social
> component in my mental makeup. :-) I don't like going through my kid's
> pages because it really feels like snooping. I'd prefer to not know too
> much about most other people.
My mom couldn't figure it out either.