OT Pinterest hacking
"sf" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:43:09 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> "sf" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > On Sat, 25 Jan 2014 12:53:30 -0800, "Julie Bove"
>> > > wrote:
>> >
>> >> > I don't see it anymore, because Pinterest has made it so much
>> >> > easier
>> >> > to report them - but there were some real idiots out there who
>> >> > probably had a virus on their home computer, so all of their
>> >> > beautiful
>> >> > Pinned photos led to the same website (usually for weight loss).
>> >>
>> >> Not according to what I read online. It really is a massive hack
>> >> attack
>> >> and
>> >> has been going on since 2012. Pinterest themselves even mentioned it.
>> >
>> > Honestly, I have no idea what you've been reading and don't care. As
>> > I said previously, I use it daily, have thousands of Pins and don't
>> > see whatever it is you're trying to spread fear about. So they're
>> > being hacked - so what? Target, the military and the US government
>> > are being attacked daily too. That's what happens when you're a
>> > "presence" on the internet.
>> Okay then. Don't say that you weren't warned! If your pins all go away
>> you'd be SOL because that's how you save stuff.
> It wouldn't be a problem for me. I'm fine with them all going away
> and starting over because there's an entire internet full of recipes.
> I now save only what I've tried and liked to my computer instead of
> bogging down my browsers with untried recipes or saving everything to
> Word, tried or not.
Ooookay. I can't see why you'd bother to save them then but... Whatever
floats your boat.