Grilling toast in a toaster oven
In article >,
jmcquown > wrote:
>On 1/26/2014 12:17 PM, Christopher M. wrote:
>> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> The directions for my last three toaster ovens said to toast with the rack
>>> in the top position, and heat/bake
>>> using the middle position. Did you even read the instructions that came
>>> with? ?
>>> N.
>> Actually the instructions for my toaster say "middle rack". But I guess
>> sometimes you just have to throw away the manual and make stuff up.
>> W. Pooh (AKA Winnie P.)
>You seem to be pretty good at that. At least you found a way to make it
>the way you like it.
>I've always found toaster ovens to be pretty much useless. Expecially
>for actually using the "broil" setting (which I think of as for meat -
>burgers or maybe a small steak). I've been given two toaster ovens in
>my adult life and gave both of them away.
>They might be new and improved these days. I don't know. To me they
>always took up counter space and didn't do anything the regular
>oven/broiler could.
>Save electricity? I doubt it. The ones I had didn't get hot enough,
>fast enough, or cook well enough, for me to believe I was saving money
>by using a toaster oven. As always, YMMV.
I pretty much use mine only for melting cheese. Nachos, toasted
cheese sandwiches, etc. Last night I had a piece of buttered
bread and realized I wanted the butter melted. Popped it into
the toaster oven.
I've never had much success using my oven's broiler on meat, so I've
never tried meat in the toaster oven.
Mine isn't fancy at all. It's a small, 1989-vintage Black and Decker,
with a mounting bracket so it doesn't take up any counter space.
I got it as a wedding present. If it died, I doubt I'd replace it.
But I have it, so I use it.
Cindy Hamilton