If you were selecting US food stuffs for sale overseas
In article >,
Janet Bostwick > wrote:
>What items would you select? Now be fair. Don't pick the trashiest.
>This group tends to rear back in horror at the food choices of others
>and pretend they would never stoop so low ;o) What kinds of things do
>you count on being on the shelves of your supermarket?
>I need canned tomatoes of various kinds, Dijon and French's mustard,
>Heinz catsup, mayonnaise, canned enchilada sauce, diced green chilis,
>Pace Picante or similar, tortillas, refried beans, boxed stock, and
>yes, a couple cans of cream of mushroom and tomato soup.
>Janet US
Stovetop stuffing
Pickled jalapenos
Hershey chocolate