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Janet Bostwick Janet Bostwick is offline
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Default If you were selecting US food stuffs for sale overseas

On Mon, 27 Jan 2014 01:18:30 -0800 (PST),

>On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:04:39 AM UTC-6, Janet Bostwick wrote:
>> What items would you select? Now be fair. Don't pick the trashiest.
>> This group tends to rear back in horror at the food choices of others
>> and pretend they would never stoop so low ;o) What kinds of things do
>> you count on being on the shelves of your supermarket?
>> I need canned tomatoes of various kinds, Dijon and French's mustard,
>> Heinz catsup, mayonnaise, canned enchilada sauce, diced green chilis,
>> Pace Picante or similar, tortillas, refried beans, boxed stock, and
>> yes, a couple cans of cream of mushroom and tomato soup.
>> Janet US

>A lot of these phony Keyboard Kooks in here eat store brand boxed macaroni and cheese out of Cool-Whip bowls. When the SNAP cards get re-charged at the beginning of each month, they spring for the *fancy* Kraft blue-box stuff.

Oh, come on. That is a cartoonish stereotype. Oh the other hand,
when there are food drives, I see that many of us good citizens think
that we must supply the needy with boxed mac and cheese and the like.
If we buy the boxed mac and cheese because it is a budget-friendly
food item to give, couldn't we be more understanding about the reasons
that money-challenged folks buy the boxed stuff? Just sayin'
Janet US