OT Pinterest hacking
jmcquown wrote:
> On 1/26/2014 2:54 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> On 1/26/2014 9:32 AM, sf wrote:
>>> For me, it has nothing to do with feeling like I'm snooping - I'm
>>> simply NOT interested. Like I said before, if anyone wants me to see
>>> something specific - they can always tag me. I look at my news feed
>>> (which does not feed every little thing from every "Friend", TG) and
>>> if it's not there, I don't see it. I do get a lot of recipes in my
>>> news feed and I like that.
>> I think my attitude is the same as yours. I'm not interested in the
>> lives of most people. I have a LinkedIn account that I don't use
>> although I probably should be working on building up professional
>> connections. My guts tell me that LinkedIn is going to be pretty
>> important for businesses.
> Oh, I sincerely doubt LinkedIn is, or will be, all that important. I
> had a membership for a brief time. As with FB, it degraded into "if
> you know this person maybe you know that person." No, sorry, I don't.
> Completely useless.
> Jill
Unfortunately, social media requires REAL friends.