On 2014-01-28 11:45:22 +0000, Alan Holbrook said:
> Bryan-TGWWW > wrote in
> :
>> This leaves the potato drier, and they brown/crisp more quickly.
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/36178182@N08/12173740634/
>> Whenever possible, I fry potatoes in a pan that was used the day
>> before to fry chicken.
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/36178182@N08/12173938886/
>> --B
> I've talked with a few short order cooks about how they do home fries and
> most of them par boil them rather than par bake them. After they've been
> boiled for several minutes, they're drained and put in the refrigerator
> over night, then "fried" on the flattop in the morning for the breakfast
> crowd.
Before frying they shread them. I wonder how.