"White Food"
On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 10:22:50 AM UTC-6, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> >"Julie Bove" wrote:
> >>"Gary" wrote:
> >>> jmcquown wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> I do have two goose down pillows on my bed.
> >>>
> >>> I did not like it. Goose down would be excellent insulation for a
> >>> comforter but not for a pillow where your head keeps compressing it
> >>> down to a wafer.
> >>
> >> I hated the thing! Heavy, lumpy, had little pokey bits in it.
> The pokey bits are the best parts.
Sheldon, I really don't think that Julie is free for the poking.
She frequently mentions a husband. Perhaps you should re-focus
your attentions on the vomit chick. I mean, you could put a barf
bag over her face. Just make sure it's one of the heavy duty ones.