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Bryan-TGWWW Bryan-TGWWW is offline
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Default Do you have cooking cats?

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 3:44:33 PM UTC-6, Michel Boucher wrote:
> Je�us > wrote in
> :
> >>She had a blood test yesterday so we should know more about

> >>her condition soon. She's still fairly young (13 years old if

> >>we go by the original vet's estimation back in 2003) and she

> >>was a street cat before she moved in with us.

> >

> > Hope she is okay.

> We are still adjusting her medication. Her numbers were low so we
> cut the meds in half and then she went too high so we'll try it at
> 3/4 dose and see what that gives.
> On the plus side, it looks like our diabetic cat (Kita's youngest
> daughter) is in remission after six or more years on insulin. If
> all goes well, she will be off insulin in a month or two.

When my cat started exhibiting diabetic symptoms, I took her completely
off high carb kibble, and switched her to 9 Lives canned, and within a
day she had improved drastically. Cata are obligate carnivores, and
should not be fed grain based foods.

Choose only foods that are 10% or less calories from carbs.

Just like idiots on this NG keep stuffing themselves with starch and
shooting up insulin, people do the same thing to their cats.
