Hiring a caterer?
On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 20:38:35 -0500, Michael Odom >
>We're having a shindig at our place the last Friday of the month.
>We're expecting about 55-60 people. It's to be an open house for her
>department (academic, that is) and mine, along with several guests
>from Dallas. D just informed me that the function she's accepted
>responsibility for is traditionally a dinner.
>Now I like cooking. I'm pretty good at it, in fact. But a dinner for
>60 people is beyond anything I've ever attempted. So she suggested
>having the event catered.
I just worked on a high school graduation shindig of that many people,
I enjoyed it but it wasn't a high stress situation of two whole
workplace departments, just lots of families. In fact, most of the
guests were the guest of honor's friends. I didn't know them and
didn't need to circulate.
OTOH, the parents and siblings of the GOH did a lot of the other
work--- renting tables, chairs, tents, procuring supplies,
refreshments, coolers, ingredients, finding refrigerator and freezer
space, and other things that a caterer could do if you don't have the
>The last option is that I cook it. I've been eyeing a new smoker pit
>at a welding shop over by the county seat. It's a big un. I have a
>brisket in the freezer and the market here in Cow Hill has them on
>sale right now. With the new pit (ca. $350) I could smoke a couple of
>briskets, a chicken or two, and some veggies (eggplant, e.g.) for them
>as don't eat meat. I could make salads -- fruit, green, marinated
>grilled veg -- and rice, bread, and taters.
>Now what should I do? Cook or hire a cook? I'm asking for advice,
>but in the end, I'll make my decision and I'll die by it.
It will take a lot of time for a couple of weeks. If you have the
free time, the planning and organization skills, and assistance and
cooperation from your nearest & dearest, you could do it and might
enjoy it. Your menu sounds like a low-maintenance one- i.e., once the
party starts you don't have to personally fuss and can mingle with
guests. Also, at the end, you'll have a new pit.
Or you could work with a caterer. That will still take some time and
worry :>
Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!