False conceptions of what other countries eat.
"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> projektilevomitchick wrote:
>>Alan Holbrook wrote:
>>> To your point, I have a great deal of trouble taking most "Mexican" food
>>> seriously after being directed to a couple of authentic places in San
>>> Diego
>>Yes, I tried to point that out before, but was told by the Squartz that
>>I don't know anything about the Mexicans that make up over 50% of the
>>population of where I live, even though he lives 800 to the south of me
>>and does not know me other than on shitty Usenet.
>>Now I see he is asserting (in another thread, and no I'm not going to
>>go look it up, do it yourself) that Mexicans put out nacho cheese with
>>their horrible "chips" in Mexican restaurants, and that is supposed to
>>be an "upgrade"....LOL....I really wonder about the sanity of people on
>>But I digress.
>>I think Julie Bove and Sqwertz and Bwwwwwwyyyyyyannnnnnnnn have lost a
>>grip on reality.
> I lived in San Diego for a couple years, there is NO Mexican food
> there... NO border food is Mexican food... Mexican's do NOT eat that
> Taco Bellish shit. Mexico is a huge country, there is no one Mexican
> cusine, but they simply do NOT eat tacos, nachos, chili, burritos, and
> that ilk... then you may as well say US Chinese take-out is authentic
> Chinese cusine. Julie Bove, Sqwertz, and Bwrrryan haven't the
> slightest clue what Mexicans eat... there is NO Mexican food in all of
> Texass, NONE! Mexicans don't even eat refried beans, they never
> heard of such crap. I've been all through Mexico, regular folks there
> mostly eat a lot eggs, chicken, and they eat a LOT of seafood and a
> tremendous quantity of fresh veggies and fruit. Mexicans don't eat
> anything resembling what Americans think is Mexican food.
Sheldon you are sooo wrong! Mexicans *do* eat tacos but they are not the
crisp shell kind so frequently eaten here. There are taco stands all over
Mexico. And no, I've never been there but I have seen Rick Bayless where he
and his friends went all over one day trying tacos. Yes, street tacos.
Some places sell them here. Two tiny, soft corn tortillas with meat and
usually pico de gallo. If fish or seafood, they might have cabbage. No
cheese, no creama.
I can't say for sure about the refried beans but I'd be willing to bet that
they do.
We had a Mexican neighbor when I lived in CA. She was worried that she
might get diabetes as all of the older people in her family had it. At the
time, I had been avoiding Mexican restaurants because none of the ones we
had in our area offered salads and usually salads in Mexican places aren't
very good. I like taco salads but a Mexican restaurant is not the place to
get one because it's not really Mexican. From what I have read, salads
aren't even usually eaten in Mexico either. Anyway... I asked her what the
Mexican diabetics ate and she said the same things as everyone else but,
they ate a lot less of the beans, rice and tortillas and increased the
amount of meat like chicken. She also said that when her elders ate out,
they called the restaurant ahead of time and told them that they needed
diabetic meals and special food was prepared for them. But she didn't know
the particulars of that. Also don't know if these people live in Mexico or
the US.
The Mexican place we normally dine at is owned by a guy from Mexico who has
since married a woman from Mexico. His dad owns a restaurant too. I have
met his mom. She still lives in Mexico but when she comes up to visit, she
helps out in the restaurant. He has talked a lot to us about the food,
explaining how some of the food he fixes is different than how his mom fixes
them. Sopitas are one such thing. He said his mom puts so much butter in
hers that you are rolling away from the table after you eat them. His
contain no butter as did the prepared sopita (shells) that I used to be able
to buy at Winco. So no doubt most all Mexican places here, even the ones
that do serve authentic food also sell some American things and some
Americanized versions of things. But some also sell authentic things
including octopus.
I'm also sure that Mexicans who live in Mexico don't always eat strictly
Mexican food either. At least Alfredo didn't. He has described things that
his mom fixed him to eat as a child. Some of which would be considered
American foods. Like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
My husband once said to me as I was reaching for some souvenir to bring back
home, "Don't bother. These days you can get pretty much anything,
anywhere." and he was right. Sure, sometimes you have to go online to get
it but... If we want to eat something that is from a cuisine of another
culture, we can usually get it. Granted, those in the UK might not have as
much access to Mexican foods as we do here and Mexican food is likely not
nearly as common as it is here.
I also think this Mexican food issue is the same sort of thing as chili,
pizza and cornbread. There is no one way to make it and yet sooo many
people want to fight about what is the right way and the authentic way.
You like the food? Your family likes the food? Buy it. Make it. Eat it.
Get over it. No need to classify it. You're not entering it into some
cooking contest, are you?
When I could eat cheese, I made a little casserole type thing with whatever
cheese I had in the house. Yes, even cheddar if that's all I had. Some
form of tomato product, usually chopped with juice. And Italian seasoning.
Nuke until the cheese goes beyond melted and begins to harden. Eat out of
the small casserole. Tastes like pizza! Not pizza. I never claimed it to
be or even authentic Italian. But it tasted good and it was lower in carbs.
I love bean dip. I made my beans from scratch. Pintos, onions, peppers.
Sometimes added celery. Bit of olive oil. Whiz with immersion blender,
leaving some whole beans. Take some out, mix with cheese, heat through and
serve with raw veggies. Preferably chunks of bell pepper if I had them.
Had a Mexican type taste to it and was good to me. And again, lower in
I'm going to make something Mexicanish in the next week or two to use up
some flour tortillas that I bought. Forgot that I bought them and then
bought more. Will be sorta like burritos but I won't be folding the ends
over. So rolled like Enchiladas. They'll have beans inside. Likely whole
beans. No cheese inside but for husband and daughter I will put cheese on
top. I will bake them through with some sort of sauce on top. Or maybe
I'll just do two pans. One with cheese inside and one without. That might
work better. Probably enchilada sauce on one half and salsa verde on the
other. Top with a mess of white onion and green pepper. It will taste
Mexicanish and it will be something the whole family can eat. I don't care
if it's authentic or not. I have no need to classify my food.