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A Moose In Love A Moose In Love is offline
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Default False conceptions of what other countries eat.

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 8:50:15 PM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> projektilevomitchick wrote:
> >Alan Holbrook wrote:

> >>

> >> To your point, I have a great deal of trouble taking most "Mexican" food

> >> seriously after being directed to a couple of authentic places in San

> >> Diego

> >

> >Yes, I tried to point that out before, but was told by the Squartz that

> >I don't know anything about the Mexicans that make up over 50% of the

> >population of where I live, even though he lives 800 to the south of me

> >and does not know me other than on shitty Usenet.

> >Now I see he is asserting (in another thread, and no I'm not going to

> >go look it up, do it yourself) that Mexicans put out nacho cheese with

> >their horrible "chips" in Mexican restaurants, and that is supposed to

> >be an "upgrade"....LOL....I really wonder about the sanity of people on here.

> >But I digress.

> >Whatever.

> >I think Julie Bove and Sqwertz and Bwwwwwwyyyyyyannnnnnnnn have lost a grip on reality.

> I lived in San Diego for a couple years, there is NO Mexican food
> there... NO border food is Mexican food... Mexican's do NOT eat that
> Taco Bellish shit. Mexico is a huge country, there is no one Mexican
> cusine, but they simply do NOT eat tacos, nachos, chili, burritos, and
> that ilk... then you may as well say US Chinese take-out is authentic
> Chinese cusine. Julie Bove, Sqwertz, and Bwrrryan haven't the
> slightest clue what Mexicans eat... there is NO Mexican food in all of
> Texass, NONE! Mexicans don't even eat refried beans, they never
> heard of such crap. I've been all through Mexico, regular folks there
> mostly eat a lot eggs, chicken, and they eat a LOT of seafood and a
> tremendous quantity of fresh veggies and fruit. Mexicans don't eat
> anything resembling what Americans think is Mexican food.

Refried beans? They are beans that have been fried only once. Mashed up of course. I don't think I ever had frijoles refritos in Mexico, although I had it up to the ears with that stuff in Guatemala.
As for tacos, yes Mexicans do eat tacos. I've seen this phenomenon many times.
Best shrimp soup I ever had was at a market(a market where mostly locals go, and tourists in the know)in Acapulco.