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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default recipes that call for a can of soup

On Wed, 5 Feb 2014 13:45:59 -0800, "Paul M. Cook" >

>"Bryan-TGWWW" > wrote in message
>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 3:36:59 PM UTC-6, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>> >
>>> > I hit the jackpot - lots of recipes that call for a can of soup here
>>> >
>>> For a potlukc recipe with soup I take a couple pounds of mixed veggies,
>>> steam them and put ina casserole pan. Then I mix up a can of CoM soup,
>>> a
>>> cup of mayo, two cups shreeded cheedddar cheese and a couple tablespoons
>>> of
>>> lemon. Mix that all up and bake. Some people top with crumbled cheese
>>> crackers before baking.
>>> It's not so bad as canned recipes go and way better than Sandra Lee. I'd
>>> never serve it at a dinner party but for a potluck it's OK.

>> That's why I avoid pot lucks. Too many people think shitty food is OK to
>> bring.

>On a scale of 1 to 10 this is a 6. Edible but not crap. Served hot it's a
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Bryan doesn't do a 1-10 scale. His scale is binary.

Mine too, sometimes! :-)

John Kuthe...