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The World's Best Breakfasts
> wrote in message ...
> On 2/5/2014 7:58 PM, outsider wrote:
>> On 2/5/2014 5:35 PM, DreadfulBitch wrote:
>>> On 2/5/2014 5:07 PM, Maya Zuiderweg wrote:
>>>> And what do you eat for breakfast when at home?
>>> Most usually cold cereal or a toasted bagel. I make eggs, but usually
>>> for dinner. I make my previously mentioned ideal meal a lot for dinner,
>>> all but the crepes. I've tried to make crepes, but they've never bee
>>> suitable for human consumption.
>> I had a crepe maker that seems to have gotten lost in my last move
>> some 10 years ago. I used it a few times but they were never as
>> good as the restaurant prepared ones and those didn't come close
>> to the ones my mother made when I was young.
>> To me, crepes are more a light dinner, though these days they're
>> far too carbish.
>> Best breakfast? These days it is cold left-over pizza.
> Anyone here click on the link?
> Here's full version for those afraid of tinyurl:
I don't click links from people I don't know.