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Melba's Jammin'
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Default PING: Nancy Dooley re Horseradish Jelly recipe

In article >, zxcvbob
> wrote:

> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > I have this recipe attributed to you, but cannot find the original
> > post in the Google archives -- lots of other stuff there from about
> > that time, but not this post (or else I searched wrong). Do you
> > still have your version of the recipe? Brian Mailman on
> > r.f.preserving made it and came up with a very stiff product - I'm
> > wondering if the 2 pouches of Certo in the recipe is the correct
> > measure. Can you check?

> > Thanks.

> Here's the oldest reference I can find, and it is by Nancy Dooley:
> du
> It was posted in, which is perhaps why you couldn't
> find it.

That'd be one reason! You da man. A jar of Ginger Peachy Jam for you,
Bucko. (Just kidding.)

Also, it is in Henriette's culinary herbs FAQ.
> It looks like about double the amount of pectin for that much liquid, so
> I wonder if it's supposed to be 1 pouch of Certo and it got transcribed
> wrong to 1 bottle of Certo somewhere before it ever got posted to
> usenet. Or possibly there's a cup of apple juice missing. Or the
> recipe is just fine (even though it looks wrong) and Brian boiled it too
> long.

Based on the other recipe I have, I'm gonna guess a typo and it should
be one pouch.

> Hopefully, Nancy (or someone else who's made this stuff) will reply.
> Bob

See, I think I made it and I would have used the two pouches, but I
don't remember it being like Brian described.

T'anks. Mmmwwwaaahhhh!
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.