Poll: Chik Fil-A
On 2/9/2014 8:56 PM, pltrgyst wrote:
> It's not the kid behind the counter -- and the business you take from
> him gos to another kid behind a different counter, anyway.
> Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sunday for the owners' religious reasons. I
> lived in a state with strong blue laws as a kid. **** 'em.
> -- Larry
Personally, I wish more places closed on Sunday. Not for religious
reasons, but it would give people a common day of to spend with the
family or visiting friends. I grew up in the 50's and that part of life
was better than it is today. We knew our grandparents and aunts and
uncles more than kids do today.
I never worked for a place that was open on Sunday, but don't let me
stop you from doing so.