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Janet Bostwick Janet Bostwick is offline
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Default Poll: Chik Fil-A

On Tue, 11 Feb 2014 05:59:11 -0800 (PST), Bryan-TGWWW
> wrote:

>On Monday, February 10, 2014 11:07:23 PM UTC-6, Janet Bostwick wrote:
>> On Mon, 10 Feb 2014 20:14:40 -0800 (PST),
>> wrote:
>> snip
>> >

>> >One thing I miss from the 60s is when my father would take us for a Sunday

>> >drive in the country. We would stop at a farm stand, then at a drive-in for

>> >take-out, before having a picnic.

>> snip
>> I miss that too. I would always beg my father to find the graveled
>> country roads.

>This horrible cold weather has had my wife and I talking every day about
>the first time we can go camping. Our romantic destination is what we
>refer to as "The Sawdust Pile." We go way off the pavement, and there's no
>reason why you can't do that too. It's just as fun as when we were kids.
>She had no idea I was writing about this when she just said, "Spring's just
>going to feel even better this year." Yesterday evening I wrote my characters
>hiking up a hollow in the Ozark back country. The location I envisaged was
>only a few miles from The Sawdust Pile.
>One can rent a pickup truck for a weekend for a reasonable price, which makes
>less well maintained roads accessible.
>> Janet US


My camping days are behind me. I did love camping next to a mountain
lake, getting up early and catching some rainbow. Starting a fire
just as dawn is breaking and putting the skillet in the fire to fry up
some bacon, home fries and fish. Coffee from the big blue-speckled
pot is scenting the air. Biscuits are almost done. I can hear the
shhhhh of waterfowl feet skimming the water as they land and the
rustle of the dog in the undergrowth. Husband begins to stir. The
very earliest part of the morning belongs to me.
Janet US