The Canola oil test - See for your self.
"LifeisGood" > wrote in message news:<vveOc.180202$%_6.80412@attbi_s01>...
> What you fail to address is "why" rapeseed oil was not marketable? And
> "what" rapeseed oil is used for?
> Why don't you try the test before you condemn the posting.
> Or, maybe you work for the CANadain OiL compAny (CANOLA), the inventors of
> this GMO'd version of rapeseed oil?
Um, no Dear. I worked as a molecular biologist genetically
engineering crops for over 15 years. Canola is the common name for
rapeseed which contains a specific composition (<2% erucic acid and
15umol glucosinolates). Rapeseed/Canola belongs to the genus Brassica
(which includes mustards, cabbage and broccoli) and is one of the
oldest cultivated plants known to man. While there are companies
which do genetically engineer rapeseed, those projects are mainly
directed toward industrial uses of modified oils, as canola is a
healthy oil, naturally.