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Nancy Dooley
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Default PING: Nancy Dooley re Horseradish Jelly recipe

Melba's Jammin' > wrote in message >...
> I have this recipe attributed to you, but cannot find the original post
> in the Google archives -- lots of other stuff there from about that
> time, but not this post (or else I searched wrong). Do you still have
> your version of the recipe? Brian Mailman on r.f.preserving made it and
> came up with a very stiff product - I'm wondering if the 2 pouches of
> Certo in the recipe is the correct measure. Can you check?
> Thanks.
> { Exported from MasterCook Mac }
> Horseradish Jelly

Hi, Barb! ;-)

I believe I got the recipe from one of a series of entertaining/craft
combo books I bought at my fabric shop when I worked there part-time.
I no longer have these, having dumped them in a garage sale about 5
years ago. (They were a hot item, let me tell you!) Sorry - if I
find a copy on a disk or somewhere else, I'll ping you, but at this
moment, I don't think I have one. (I've never made it.)
