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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Poll: Chik Fil-A

Janet Bostwick wrote:
> My camping days are behind me. I did love camping next to a mountain
> lake, getting up early and catching some rainbow. Starting a fire
> just as dawn is breaking and putting the skillet in the fire to fry up
> some bacon, home fries and fish. Coffee from the big blue-speckled
> pot is scenting the air. Biscuits are almost done. I can hear the
> shhhhh of waterfowl feet skimming the water as they land and the
> rustle of the dog in the undergrowth. Husband begins to stir. The
> very earliest part of the morning belongs to me.

And then you woke up! heheh ;-D

LMAO! ;-D Janet! I love you but that was the funniest post I've
read in years. The more I read, the more I laughed. hahaha Fess up've never gone camping before have you? Your story is right
from an old Norman Rockwell picture or maybe a Disney movie. All you
forgot to mention was the smiling birds happily singing at dawn, the
cute fuzzy bunny babies all playing with their mom, and the newborn
fawn nuzzling against you while her mom looked on approvingly. Later
on in the day, you can wander out in the meadow with your long dress
on, raise your arms and spin around while singing "The Sound of Music"
song. LOL!
