On Friday, February 14, 2014 9:33:59 AM UTC-6, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
> > Did you make them take cod liver oil too?
> No need to make them; they willingly took codliver oil because someone
> told them professional athletes do... and they were (and still are) very
> active sportsmen... football, ski-ing, cycling and running. You should
> get some capsules for your boy.
He won't swallow capsules. A few years ago he choked on an M&M, and he
refuses to even try.
> > Do British children
> > grow up with low expectations of food, or is that an invalid
> >stereotype?
You, or your newsreader removed the smiley.
> Not mine, so yes.
> You're the one who just posted his picky kid often complains he doesn't
> like his dinner. Is that because he's American, or because you're not
> much of a cook?
It's not my cooking. I'm kind of at the other extreme from you. I don't
buy him huge amounts of crap food, but I'm pretty loose. He almost never
has sugar soda, but he does eat a lot of sugary breakfast cereal, and we
don't ever make him, or even pressure him to eat anything. He is required
to sit at the dinner table with us, but what he eats is his choice.
There's not an ounce of fat on him, and while thin, he is the strongest
kid in his school. I was a picky kid too, and hated my father for making
me eat things I hated.
> Janet UK