Ceylon FPEK?
The Ceylon grades are mostly BOP, FBOP, OP. I've never seen any that
looked like CTC. I recently got a FBOPF where the leaf looks like a
long extremely thin half white half black twist making a very sexy
leaf. Back in the early eighties I got some Ceylon called Lovers
Leap. I just came across it again. I don't know the xlands source.
It is the perfect tea for non tea drinkers. The perfect evening tea
for the rest of us. You simply can't wrong with any commercial brand
Ceylon especially produced for the middle east or Russia.
"Lars I. Mehlum" > wrote in message >...
> "Jon P Nossen" > wrote in message
> news:wocOc.3609$vH5.2322@amstwist00...
> > It probably means Flowery Pekoe. But I don't believe these
> > gradings are very standardized.
> >
> > Jon
> >
> That's what I thought too. But I've never seen a FP like this. Anyway, it's
> an eastern quality season Uva from the Uva Highlands estate, and it's very
> good!
> Lars
> (Bergen, Norway)
> > "Lars I. Mehlum" > skrev i melding
> > ...
> > > Does anyone know what grading of tea FPEK is? When I first saw
> the tea in
> > > question (a Ceylon Uva) I actually thought it was a CTC tea,
> small curled up
> > > 'pellets', but when infused it seems to be made of small
> broken bits of
> > > leaf.
> > >
> > > Lars
> > > (Bergen, Norway)