Hummus without garbanzos/chickpeas
Tommy Joe wrote in
> Dave Smith wrote:
> > Mortar and pestle?? No way. Use a food processor. I have never had
> > a
> >
> > good commercially made hummus. A can of chick peas, some garlic, a
> > bit
> >
> > of tahinni, some of the liquid from the chick pea cans and some
> > lemon
> >
> > juice. Whiz it up. It could not be easier.
> Ok Dave, I'll go with the food processor. Are you going to buy it
> for me along with paying my rent for a larger apartment to
> accommodate the latest kitchen gadgets? I know what you mean though
> - most people I know use a blender. Even some of the old school
> crowd have given in. I have nothing against it, I just never made it
> that way. I'd want to see it done first to get an idea of how it
> works.
> Yes, I agree, for years I tried a variety of commercial hummus, and
> none were good. Some were revolting. Then one day I tried the Whole
> Foods brand and was amazed at how close it came to my expectations.
> I still had the container it came in, so I scanned the ingredients -
> exactly 100% identical to the ones I used for homemade. Beans,
> tahini, garlic, lemon, and salt. Then one day a year or two ago I
> bought some of the same and noticed it was a bit runny. This
> happened more than once. It was ok, just not the same. I looked at
> the ingredients. They had added olive oil and cumin to the mix. Why
> I don't know, I'm sure they have their reasons. It didn't destroy
> it, I still get it now and then, but there was a definite difference,
> and it did seem for the good. Thanks for your response.
> TJ
LOL! Space is a concern here. When we were in Japan, we hunted up the
perfect little blender for us. I did not want to waste storage space
and this little beauty holds probably 2.5 cups max. For all of it's
size, it's as powerful as a big unit.
The few times I make Hummus (we eat a quite varied menu here so that
one comes up only a few times a year), this is just right for a
standard can of beans, some of the juice and what we decide to add to
that batch. Sometimes it varies enough that calling it hummus would be
an affectation ;-)
Humm, it's been several months since I made any. An eyeball cook,
here's in general what I did.
1 can black beans, mostly drained, not rinsed
4-5 cloves garlic (small ones)
1/2 TB olive oil
2 TB crushed sesame seeds
Juice of half a lemon
Pinch of schimi (a japanese blend of dried red chiles)
I would have garnished it at serving time but do not recall what with.
Guesses are green olives, green onion, red bell pepper as all would
match and be pretty.