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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default What happened to Rachael Ray's voice?

"John Kuthe" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 18:32:14 -0800 (PST), A Moose in Love
> > wrote:
>>On Monday, February 17, 2014 8:43:07 PM UTC-5, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> That woman has always annoyed me. First, she and I do not seem to have
>>> the
>>> same taste in foods. But her bubbly persona is what I really didn't
>>> care
>>> for. However...
>>> In recent times, she comes across as far less bubbly and her voice
>>> sounds
>>> strained. To the point where it is difficult to listen to her. Almost
>>> like
>>> the result of GERD or something. Makes me want to clear her throat for
>>> her.
>>> I fell asleep on the couch early this morning and awoke to a bubbly
>>> sounding
>>> Rachael. Apparently not much is on in the morning so I put it on the
>>> Cooking Channel which I rarely watch. Looked at the TV and...whoa!
>>> That
>>> gal sure has put on some weight! I knew she had gained but she looked
>>> far
>>> smaller when this show was filmed and was much more bubbly. It's almost
>>> as
>>> if the life has been at least partially sucked out of her and she just
>>> isn't
>>> into the cooking any more. I am watching her again now on a recent
>>> show.
>>> Big difference!
>>> Was she sick with something? Anyone know?

>>I've been thinking for a long while now that she is having trouble coping
>>with the pressure of what she's doing.

> One can only run at that high a level of metabolism before something
> starts to wear out!
> RR always reminded me of someone who drank too many espressos.
> John Kuthe...

Ha! That could be. She did say once that all she ever gets to eat are the
bites you see on the show.