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Default Is It Just Me....

Larry Smith wrote:

> Sam Wellens wrote:
>> The two world wars started in Europe, the birthplace of Western
>> civilization.

> Let us not mince words, Sam. Two world wars started in _Germany_,
> amidst the descendents of the people whom Rome first dubbed
> "barbarians". And it yet remains to be seen that a reunited Germany
> won't do it a third time. True enough, Italy joined in - but it was
> Germany that fired the first shot.

I'm not gonna defend the Nazis, but the rest of Europe screwed Germany
too much with the Treaty of Versaille so that WWII was enevitable; it
was just a continuation of WWI. (I haven't figured out how Japan got
envolved, unless they just took advantage of the instability in the
world as an opportunity to expand their territory)

Best regards,