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Michel Boucher
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Default Is It Just Me....

Larry Smith > wrote in

>> How is elaborating a complex plan to eliminate millions of people
>> being a realist? If you were a realist, you would face the fact
>> that the problems stem from abuse by western powers and their
>> toadies (including the House of Saud and Saddam Husayn)

> Total, unmitigated, crap.

Twenty years ago, the Muslims were your allies in the struggle
against Innernashunal Kammynism in Afghanistan. Six years ago,
Muslims were your allies in the struggle against the "evil Serbs" (tm
applied for).

Now they're your enemies. How did that happen? Who ****ed up?

Can't you see you're being manipulated? No, it's not the Jews, it's
those right-wing Christian arseholes. And you're their number one
tool, along with Katra and all the others who buy this rhethoric of
hatred that only begets more rhethoric of hatred.

They manipulate you because they prey on your fears. In his first
inaugural speech of March 4, 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt said:

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing
we have to fear is fear itself—-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified
terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into

The US government was recently caught with its security pants down,
admitting that the latest alert was based on 3-year old information.
there was some bafflegab about recent updates, yadda yadda, but no
one in their right mind believes a word of it. Are they running out
of things to frighten you with? What ever will you do when you can
breathe easily? Toss Bush out of the White House, maybe?
