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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default A Dataw Dinner Special 2/22/2014

projektilevomitchick wrote:
>jmcquown wrote:
>> Spaghetti and Meatballs
>> Housemade Meatballs Served Over Ziti Pasta with Red Sauce
>> and Garlic Bread
>> $17.00
>> Okay, what's obviously wrong with this?

>I dunno. I guess one could say that they always take the cheap-O route. Italian food is gross and cheap.

The menu at the Olive Garden and the typical pizza/pasta house is
crappy... but real Italian food is superb... mostly good seafood, veal
dishes, wonderful salamis, hams, roast beef, even bologna (Mortadella
is the king of cold cuts), and Italian deserts are fabulous,
especially from a real dago bakery, canolis to die for, wonderful
liquor drenched pastries, cookies, cakes, and the best breads on the


Tartoffu is a dome-shaped Italian ice cream confection, generally
served as a dessert but can be eaten alone as a snack, usually served
with demi-tasse. Tartoffu can be prepared in various sized portions;
for single serving, for six, eight, as many as you'd like.

Here we go...

Choose an appropriate sized [round-bottomed] glass bowl, one large or
several small bowls. Line bowls with plastic wrap leaving extra
lapping over the rim. Place lined bowl(s) in fridge.

Next melt bittersweet chocolate, how much depending upon bowl size(s)
- you can never have too much chocolate - actually how much will
become apparent shortly.

Coat inside of cold lined bowl(s) with melted chocolate. A fairly
thick coat is required, approximately 1/8" thick - you may need to
apply 2-3 coats chilling bowl(s) in freezer between coats.

Chocolate bowl(s) will be filled with ice cream, so begin preparing
ice cream filling ahead.

Here is the traditional ice cream recipe; prepare a quantity which
will suffice. Again, the method whereby this recipe is used for
Tartoffu will become apparent


I think it would be very hard to find a spumoni mold nowadays, so
instead, use a large 3/4-quart jello mold.

First Mixtu

2 cups milk
3/4 cups sugar
5 egg yolks
1/2 tsp vanilla (or you can use any flavoring you wish)

Combine milk, sugar, egg yolks, and vanilla in a saucepan and cook
over very low heat, stirring constantly until mixture is thick. Cool,
then place in a metal bowl and freeze until mixture is medium hard,
about two hours. Mixture should be soft enough to be spooned out

Second Mixtu

1 cup heavy cream beaten stiff
1/4 cup sugar
9 maraschino cherries, cut into small pieces
1 tbsp. candied orange peel cut fine
2 tbsp blanched slivered almonds

Gently mix all of the ingredients together, and chill in refrigerator.
Chill your mold well. When first mixture is ready, line the inside of
the mold with it, leaving a hole big enough for the second mixture in
the center. Fill hole with second mixture, and cover with wax paper,
or plastic wrap and freeze for two hours. Dip in warm water quickly to
unmold. Cut into portions of 6 to 8

Now fill your chocolate lined bowl(s) with ice cream, leaving 1/4"
space at top. Place filled bowl(s) into freezer to set up, about 1
hour. Meanwhile re-heat or melt more chocolate. Then fill the 1/4"
space with a thick coating of chocolate - this will become the
Tartoffu bottom. Cover Tartoffu(s) with plastic wrap and place back
into freezer until ready to serve.

To serve remove from freezer and peel back plastic wrap. Invert
Tartoffu(s) onto appropriate serving plate(s) and unmold gently and
peel off remaining plastic wrap.
Place one half a glacè cherry on top of each Tartoffu - Mangia!