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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default I finally made that parmesan crusted chicken breast recipe.

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 2/24/2014 8:01 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "sf" > wrote in message

>>>> I made it tonight with skinless, boneless thighs (I skinned and boned
>>>> the thighs myself) and did a version of what you did. Hubby LOVED it!
>>>> I had some musgovian zucchini and leftover bread crumbs (Panko), so I
>>>> cut the zucchini in half lengthwise, coated them with a layer of mayo,
>>>> sprinkled the leftover crumbs on them and baked them too.

>> I meant to say: I have never found a zucchini recipe that we have
>> really liked even though I grow the things. That sounds like it might
>> just hit the spot and I will buy some tomorrow)

> Add some freshly grated Parmesan and I'll bet it's a real winner!

I am just back from shopping and I bought a couple of bigish ones I will
try it out today. I am quite looking forward to doing that because I am
trying to get as much veg into us as I can and I have never managed to make
anything with zucchini that we liked. I used this method with salmon but
never thought about it like this)) And yes. Parmesan too
