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Default Worcestershire sauce (store bought)

>Baz Buzinkum writes:

>>PENMART01 wrote:
>> It is *not imperative* that worcestershire sauce be refrigerated to keep it
>> from becoming spoiled (although eventually it will spoil - ALL foods will
>> eventually spoil) but refrigeration will indeed inhibit deterioration of

>> quality/flavor over time... same applys to ALL foods.

>Since it is clear in your tone that this is really important to you,

From your baseless comment it is clear that you possess the vivid imagination
of a marathon masturbator.

>you know of any studies online that show meaningful effects of
>refrigeration on selected condiments?

The last time this topic was discussed here was probably 2-3 years ago, you can
check the archives. I believe then it was primarily about soy sauce. Most
people did not refrigerate soy sauce. But at the Kikkoman website they say it
is important to refrigerate their product to maintain its quality/flavor...
check there if you care so strongly.

There are many web references to refrigeration preseving foods, but you'll need
to do your own searching, I don't work for you.

>Based on it's ingredients, my hypothesis would be that unchilled
>Worcestershire would improve in flavor long before it spoils, whereas
>chilled may never show the same improvements over the life of the
>average fridge.

Feel free to suggest your fercocktah hypothesis at <> but from my
reading there it seems to me they wouldn't agree with you, and for the same
exact reason the Tobasco Sauce folks also bottle their product at what they,
after 100 years experience, consider its peak flavor.

Btw, vinegars have a shelf life too, unopened, about 2 years... therefore foods
pickled with just vinegar have less than a 2 year shelf life. It's the added
salt and sugar that helps to stabilize pickled foods, but that same salt and
sugar prevents further fermentation.

Go he

Notice the word "temperature".

The shelf life of a product depends on a number of factors, such as storage
time, *temperature*, age and container. However, in general, if stored
properly, the following shelf life expectancies would apply for product that is

12 Months: Ketchup (including Heinz Ketchup Kick'rs and EZ Squirt), Tartar
Sauce, Horseradish Sauce.

18 Months: Gravy, Pickles, cocktail Sauce, Wine Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar,
Jack Daniel's Grilling Sauce.

24 Months: Mustard, Chili Sauce, Relish, Malt Vinegar.

30 Months: 57 Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Beans, Tarragon Vinegar.

42 Months: Distilled White Vinegar, Salad Vinegar.

Additional questions? Call us at 1-800-255-5750.

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