Excessive scrolling ...was Ping Julie and real help
On Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:30:16 -0600, John Kuthe >
> Usually. Because neewreasers are so varfies in their appropach to
> displaying and editing piost when rerplying to them, there's a variety
> of standards we see practiced. For example, mine here are to delete
> all the material between your name line and that wghich you wrote to
> which I'm replying to. That seems the best way to me, to retain the
> context of your comment and then add my addional comment relating to
> it.
> I think there are two main reasonons we see the ">>>>>>>>" to which
> you refer. Pure selfish laziness and interacting with posts on
> people's phones with their tiny tiny screens. Often occuring
> simultaneously, perhaps. I take great delight in chopping great deals
> of meretricious piffle in my replies to ">>>>>>>>" posts, but
> sometimes I revert to my former reasons for not doing it! :-)
> Now if only I had a spellchecker! And narrower asndf nimbler fingers!
> ;-)
I just don't understand how people can stand reading RFC on GG. I've
tried and it's awful. RFC goes from being interesting to the most
boring chore imaginable.
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