Publix Closed on Easter!
On 3/1/2014 7:33 PM, Kalmia wrote:
> On Friday, March 22, 2013 11:01:53 PM UTC-4, Cheryl wrote:
>> On 3/22/2013 10:20 AM, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>>> Libby replied to Jill:
> Same here. It was unheard of to find a grocer, dept store or anything other than a drugstore open on Sunday. OH yeah, the local movie house was open - and always showed monster flics.
What's surprising to me is someone resurrecting this dead thread from a
year ago. I don't plan to shop at Publix on Easter in 2014. I'm fine
with them having a day off. I couldn't tell you why I was surprised
about it last year. Perhaps because they were open on Thanksgiving and
Christmas. <shrugs>