Publix Closed on Easter!
On 3/2/2014 9:41 AM, sf wrote:
> How on earth does a store staying open on Sunday interfere with
> friends and family time? Either you socialize with them or you don't.
> For that matter, either you attend church services or you don't. No
> one is compelling you to shop on Sunday. It's your choice. I like
> the convenience of long hours seven days a week and wish that my local
> grocery store was open 24-7 instead of 6:00 AM-Midnight. I think it's
> old fashioned and miserly to close when they're open so many hours
> anyway.
It wasn't particularly funny at the time, but once I didn't have
anything to eat on a Sunday evening and not a single place open
to get so much as a Ring Ding. Ridiculous that I let myself get
into that situation but equally lame that no store were open, not
even a convenience store.
When my supermarket first expanded and re-opened, they had the
doors open 24 hours a day. I think they learned that was a losing
proposition because it didn't last too long. This town shuts
down at night. For that matter, it's only in the past few years
that the sub shop opened on Sunday. That was really inconvenient.
People who want Sundays off really need to find something to do
besides retail/restaurant jobs. That's just reality.