Publix Closed on Easter!
On 2014-03-02 10:39 AM, sf wrote:
>> People who have to *work* at those stores on Sunday don't have the
>> luxury of spending that day with family or friends. I'd be fine with
>> them being closed, or only open for a short time.
> No sympathy here. People who work at those stores still have days off
> and they can thank unions for the 40 hour work week (if they can
> manage to get that many these days). Why should I feel sorry for
> store workers when there are other services that are open 24-7-365?
> Service workers choose the field they are in with their eyes wide open
> and they have weekends too, except their weekends often aren't named
> Saturday and Sunday.
Most of the others who have to work in 24/7 operations are much better
paid. Since most people have to work 9-5 Mon. to Fri, but need to see
lawyers, dentists, doctors etc., it would be more convenient for us if
they were also on a 24/7 schedule.
Some types of business have to run 24/7. Retail does not. They only do
it because others are opening and taking their share of the business.
If they were all closed Sunday they would not have to worry about it.
There is a similar problem with casinos in many places. Governments
know that gambling is bad for the public, but they know that there is a
lot of money to be made from it. Ontario finally broke down and allowed
casinos to be Niagara Falls and Windsor, obviously
intending to get American business. It worked well until NY and MI
smartened up and opened casinos on their side of the border.