Publix Closed on Easter!
On 3/2/2014 10:41 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 3/2/2014 10:15 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> When my supermarket first expanded and re-opened, they had the
>> doors open 24 hours a day. I think they learned that was a losing
>> proposition because it didn't last too long. This town shuts
>> down at night. For that matter, it's only in the past few years
>> that the sub shop opened on Sunday. That was really inconvenient.
> If you're out of food, yes, that would be very inconvenient. Still, the
> only people who really benefit from a grocery store being open after
> midnight are people who work the graveyard shift. In an area like yours
> (and mine) those types of jobs are probably not common. I can't say I
> know anyone who shops for groceries after midnight.
In my story, I'm talking about all the stores being closed
on Sunday, all day.
>> People who want Sundays off really need to find something to do
>> besides retail/restaurant jobs. That's just reality.
> True, but not always possible. If it's the only type of work available
> and you tell a potential employer you won't work on Sundays, they'll
> just hire someone else.
And some people have to work nights as a janitor, or even two or
three jobs that keep them away from home for long hours. Security
guards. As people have mentioned, police, medical staff, etc etc.
The mail keeps moving around the clock. I wonder how many jobs
really are just 9-5, M-F, as a percentage.