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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Publix Closed on Easter!

On 3/2/2014 11:07 AM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Mar 2014 10:27:16 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> I like
>>> the convenience of long hours seven days a week and wish that my local
>>> grocery store was open 24-7 instead of 6:00 AM-Midnight. I think it's
>>> old fashioned and miserly to close when they're open so many hours
>>> anyway.

>> So you want others to be available all the time to suite you desires.

> It's a choice. They are not forced to work that shift.

No, they can go to work elsewhere if it is available, but often they are
required or fired.

>> Have you worked the midnight shift much? You want others to though,
>> just for your convenience.

> Actually, I HAVE worked in a 24-7-365 service industry. Sounds like
> you haven't and want to everything to fit your ideal. Tell me how you
> fared in that hotel without someone battening down the hatches at
> night, so you can check in late or have an extra pillow sent up.

If you read what I wrote, I understand some people must work those hours
and holidays. Some like the late shifts. I have two working for me
that do and I'm glad to have them. Most don't.

> me how you managed to take that red-eye flight without someone keeping
> the airport open or driving the airplane?

Some jobs are needed 24 hours, most are optional. Become a nurse or
policeman it is part of the job. Having some salami sliced to order at
3 AM may be convenient, but not usually a life or death situation.

Last time I took the red eye I got stuck at a stopover in Cincinnati
because the airport closed.

I'm not going to take a poll, but most people would probably like having
the weekend off; some do not care. OTOH, I recently renovated my
bathroom. The guy doing the ceramic tiles worked New Years day.
Divorced with nothing going on, he did not care about the holiday.