stovetop stuffing mix
On 3/4/2014 11:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Steve Freides" > wrote in message
> ...
>> sf wrote:
>>> On Mon, 3 Mar 2014 10:01:50 -0500, "Steve Freides" >
>>> wrote:
>>>> The thing that's always interesting to me regarding sodium/salt is
>>>> the serving size and the amount of sodium. I think that gives you a
>>>> more accurate picture than just where salt is on the ingredients
>>>> list.
>>> You know my Google Foo isn't the best. I would have loved to see that
>>> one, but didn't find it within close range of what I posted and refuse
>>> to put any more effort into doing it, because I really do NOT care. I
>>> can look at the box in person when I am there. I'm buying it to use
>>> as an ingredient, not to eat off the plate, so surprise, surprise - I
>>> can figure out how to counter act a little too much salt in a boxed
>>> stuffing mix. Anyone else who cares enough to comment about the
>>> amount of salt can look up the information for himself. Notice the
>>> male gender? That was said on purpose. I have noted over the years
>>> that it's always male personality posters who get their panties in a
>>> twist over these things. The rest of us who actually do the shopping
>>> in real life (the female gender personalities), know we can check the
>>> label on the box when we have it in our hands and we're grown up
>>> enough to decide if we'll buy it or make it ourselves. /rant off/
>> I'm a guy and I shop like one - that shouldn't be a surprise - and I'm
>> also far from the only guy food shopping on a regular basis.
>> I mentioned, as part of a public conversation here, what would have
>> been more interesting to me. I didn't say there is anything wrong
>> with what you do.
> I am just interesting in the assertion that men wear panties - twisted
> or not ;-)
I posted this to a board years ago, but I think that it remains sound
I offer this advice in the spirit of public service, as there seems to
be a lot of this going around these days:
1) Stay calm, DON'T PANIC!!!
2) Pull down the panties, and step out of them. This may take some
effort, depending on how bunched up the panties are.
3) Unbunch the panties.
4) Step into the panties, and pull them back up.
4) Above all, don't panic, STAY CALM!!!