"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2014-03-04 11:02 AM, A Moose in Love wrote:
>> On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 9:56:31 AM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2014-03-04 9:37 AM, A Moose in Love wrote:
>>>> On our farm, and every other farm that was owned by our people of my
>>>> ethnic background, sows were purchased when they were very young.
>>>> Why always females and not males. The meat must be tastier???
>>> You grew up on a farm and you never understood why there were more
>>> females than males?
>> I stated that we purchased females. It had nothing to do with breeding.
>> First of all, herd animals tend to have more
> You also said that you and and other farm bought females. You apparently
> did not know the reason why the others did.
>>>> OT: We had a crazy cow. Some kind of a Jersey breed. She was
>>>> always escaping and taking off into the woods. She tried to run me
>>>> down once, but I managed to jump up on the wagon.
>>> Was it a cow or a bull? Bulls can be very playful, and they don't know
>> I said it was a cow. It gave milk.
> I had to imagine what happened when you guys got lonely out there. No
> wonder the cow was acting strangely.