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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Dinner Tonight 3/12/2014 will be

"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Ophelia wrote:
>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Ophelia wrote:
>> >>
>> >> DH has hurt his back and I don't
>> >> like to leave him. Still it might clear up by this afternoon.
>> >
>> > If his back is bad it's NOT going to clear up in an afternoon. BTDT.
>> >
>> > Long hot showers (several in an evening) or long hot baths. The hot
>> > being just as hot as he can stand. It really does help. My doctor
>> > told me that...very hot wet heat works good for back muscles. Heating
>> > pads (dry heat) not so much.

>> Yes you are right. First thing he couldn't stand let alone make his way
>> to
>> the shower. I've been rubbing his back with Ibuprofen gel and he has
>> been
>> taking Ibuprofen tablets which has eased it a bit so at least he has been
>> walking with the help of crutches. I gave him a nice glass of whisky
>> this
>> evening to cheer him up Are you supposed to drink alcohol with those
>> meds? Who knows but it has put a smile on his face) If he is
>> suffering
>> badly in the morning, I will have him see the doc. Oh I mentioned the
>> shower
>> and he will get in before he goes to bed Thanks.
>> It is not something he usually suffers with but he has been doing some
>> heavy
>> work during the past few days and I reckon he has overdone it

> It's finally nice to know that I can *REALLY* speak from experience
> here.
> No need to run right off to the doctor tomorrow. Back strains take at
> least a week minimum or more to heal. Best a doctor will do is
> prescribe him muscle relaxors. I don't like those. They don't fix the
> problem just hides them somewhat.
> A glass of whiskey is a good thing for him right now. Heck, my back
> is fine but a glass of whiskey sounds good! :-D

LOL I might just give him another and tell him it came from you)

> Seriously, Ophelia, Ibuprofen pills are good. They are the best thing
> for back muscle pain, more than just pain killers, they are supposedly
> good for relaxing muscles too. I always keep that on hand here. And
> also, as I said, the long hot showers/baths. If one helps him feel
> better, he should do this every few hours. Not only will it help his
> pain temporarily, it's also is a slow cure.

All passed on) Yes, I knew they relaxed the muscles too as well as being
pain killers. I think the massage with the gel is helping too.

> PS - exercises to prevent future back stains? Once he heals
> completely, do sit-ups, crunches, etc. Again from my doctor, main
> reason for back strains is an imbalance between back muscles (which
> are used often) and the abdomen muscles (which are rarely used other
> than purposely exercising them).

This problem today with his back is not a regular occurrence, but I am
passing on your advice

Many thanks from us both)
