On 3/16/2014 6:27 AM, George Leppla wrote:
> On 3/15/2014 6:54 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> Tuesday night I broke my patella. It is cracked all the way through but
>> no sharp pieces. If I do not bend my knee for 4 weeks, I am told that
>> it will heal. If I bend my knee, the pieces of the patella (kneecap)
>> will move and I'll need surgery with screws and pins.
>> Did I mention it hurts --- a lot.
> Man... you got dealt a bad hand. Many years ago I was in an accident
> requiring pins, wires and staples to be inserted in my knee. I was in a
> solid cast from toes to groin for 6 weeks so I have a good idea of what
> you are going through and you have my sympathies.
> Some hints I can offer you...
> 1)My Doctor told me that every minute you put strain, weight or stress
> on your knee now will add 2 minutes to your healing time. You already
> know how it hurts and the PT that comes later is no picnic. PLEASE...
> do yourself a favor and stay off it.
> 2) Replace some of your cook books with take-out menus. Apply this
> prescription liberally.
> 3) Depend on your husband. You say he isn't a good cook but he already
> knows how to grill. While he was doing the sausages, he could have
> thrown on some peppers and onions. Grilled hamburgers and onions.
> Grilled smoked sausage or kielbasi. Can he do ribs, pork chops,
> steaks... I'm betting he can and having met him, I'm betting he is
> willing to try his best to help you. He may not know how to cook a lot
> of things, but start with the things he does know... and expand from
> there. And he can certainly do the dishes and clean up... no training
> needed for that.... and again, I am betting that he is more than happy
> to help.
> 4) Revisit the prepared foods at HEB. Rotisserie chicken... friend
> chicken. Salads. They usually have some sides. Nope... it isn't home
> cooking but it will keep you fed and that will help you heal. The deli
> is your friend. Cold cuts and fresh rolls will make some easy meals.
> 5) Depend on the kindness of friends and neighbors. If you are a member
> of a church, local support group, etc... try getting someone to set up a
> meal train: http://www.mealtrain.com/ We did this a lot when we lived
> in Shreveport (through our church). It is a wonderful way to get help...
> and to give it. You know that if Becca and I lived closer, we would be
> helping all we could.
> When I was a child, my grandmother couldn't walk much because of
> diabetes. After school, she would sit in the kitchen and she and I would
> cook dinner. She sat and did things at the table that she could do, I
> helped with the prep work and handled the stove and oven and clean-up.
> Not only did I lean how to cook at a very early age, those times I spent
> with Grandma are some of my best childhood memories.
> Good luck, Janet.... and please, KEEP OFF THAT KNEE... at least, for now!
> George L
Thank you George.
We expect to see you and Becca in early April. I promise I'll be off
the knee.
It's encased in a giant brace that stabilizes and makes it impossible to
bend the knee. I do not put any pressure on it, though I am allowed to
put a little bit on it, like resting my foot on the floor of I am
standing with the walker at a counter.
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.
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