On 3/27/2014 4:17 PM, tert in seattle wrote:
> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> On 3/26/2014 8:37 PM, notbob wrote:
>>> On 2014-03-27, Janet Wilder > wrote:
>>>> slipped on water on the tiled kitchen floor and broke my right kneecap.
>>> Doh!
>>> I know the injury, well. My mom broke hers and was in phys-rehab home
>>> fer 6 wks, our home being too small fer wheelchair. She was walking
>>> good as new in 10-12 wks. This at age 82. Hang in there and don't
>>> become discouraged.
>>> nb
>> Thanks for the encouragement.
>> Having spent 3 weeks in an extended care hospital in October after 3
>> weeks in regular hospital, I have absolutely no desire to spend any more
>> of my life in a hospital, except maybe day surgery to get this fakokta
>> porta cath out of my chest.
> if it's any consolation, ports generally come out a *lot* easier than
> they go in
> good luck & keep cookin!
good to know.
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.
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