Thread: I'm back!
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default I'm back!

"barbie gee" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2014, Julie Bove wrote:
>> > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Monday, March 31, 2014 1:50:59 AM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> Hospital was not to blame. In a nutshell (and I'm no medical
>>>> profession) it
>>>> was bungling and cut happy podiatrists. Long story short, I had a
>>>> fungal
>>>> infection most likely caused by the tight foot wrap. I was not told of
>>>> this
>>>> and couldn't see my foot. Minutes after I left my last podiatrist
>>>> visit,
>>>> the pain began and less than 24 later was in ER with sepsis. Problem
>>>> is
>>>> nobody can say for sure exactly what happened but it was for sure from
>>>> the
>>>> fungus. No need to say any more on this here, I think. That won't
>>>> solve
>>>> anything.
>>>> Not looking to sue either but... Do want to put a stop to these
>>>> people.
>>>> Hospitalist did talk to podiatrist for a long time. She called me in
>>>> the
>>>> hospital, freaked out. Heh. Did I think she caused it? Heh.
>>> Sounds like it might have happened to anybody. Anyway, you're not
>>> going to get a lot of money from a podiatrist. If you really think
>>> she screwed up grievously, you could contact your state's podiatry
>>> board, and go the professional discipline route, which could result
>>> in her being suspended or even have her licence taken away.

>> It could have happened to anybody at that office perhaps. They saw my
>> foot at least weekly. Should have noticed the fungus and treated it. She
>> only got her license in 2013.

> they bound it in dressings and didn't have you changing the
> bandages/dressings daily? how do you "notice" fungus? was it like
> athlete's foot?

I was not capable (IMO) of doing this as the wound had to be packed. The
visiting nurse did this daily as did the Dr. The only part of my foot I
could see was the heel, big toe and part of the next toe. I did notice not
long before this last hospital trip that the heel looked bad. Yellowish,
peeling skin on it. So not only athlete's foot but now also fungal nails.
Was told this was brought about by the tight dressing.

To give you an idea of what they did, picture how you would wrap with an Ace
for a sprained ankle. Except that under the Ace was layer upon layer of
gauze, some of which went between the big toe and the next one. My foot was
never cleaned in those almost two months except for where the incision was