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Tim Tyler
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Default Hepatitis from green onions

In usual suspect > wrote or quoted:
> Tim Tyler wrote:

>>>>>There's a message here though. I hear a lot of people espousing
>>>>>vegetarian diets because they think it will protect them from food
>>>>>poisoning. Not true.
>>>>It won't protect them, but generally will reduce the risk.
>>>You have no basis for concluding that, ****Har, you
>>>greasy little prick, except your bigoted semi-"vegan"
>>>religious beliefs.

>> Of course it is quite accurate.

> Actually, it isn't.

Actually the most common source of food poisoning in the USA is
seafood. The second most common source is eating eggs.

Avoiding animal produce does indeed offer substantial level of protection.

``Beef, poultry, fish, seafood, dairy foods and eggs are especially
susceptible to contamination with disease-causing bacteria. Two major
factors contribute to the food-borne illness problem: food production
and slaughter methods, and improper handling. Although and meat
processing plants are periodically inspected by the USDA, a microbial
or chemical contamination cannot always be detected by sight, which is
the current inspection method. What’s more, the tremendous problem of
fecal contamination, a predominant cause of food poisoning, can result
from factory methods of slaughter."''

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