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Winters_Lackey Winters_Lackey is offline
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Posts: 430
Default Totally OT - happy me

My nephew called me this morning with some great news. He's buying 15
acreas with a small house on it out near where we like to camp/swim/hike.
etc. It's got a little creek running through the middle of it, and a few
outbuildings including a woodworking shop. My first woodworking project is
going to be building my great niece a bed from wood cut by me from trees.
This is the next best thing to owning it ourselves.

The water in the little stream is from undeveloped National Forest land,
and is essentially drinking water quality (after boiling). The past 3
Summers have sucked for camping because both my nephew and my wife's cousin
(our old camping buddies) have had babies, and while we were bringing our
son out there when he was half a year old, their children didn't travel
well. Looks like the camping drought is ending.

This is how we eat out in the woods--

"The 1960's called. They want their recipe back."
--Steve Wertz in 4-20-2009