Thickeners -
In article >, Bob Pastorio
> wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > So, Bob, what would be your recommendation to me for thickening the
> > gravy? Forget the potato starch and the tapioca. I'm thinking
> > I'd like to give the arrowroot a shot. Any remarks or opinions
> > about one of the ClearJel products?
> Arrowroot will give you a clear, shiny gravy that some people find
> offputting. They're more used to an opaque gravy. You can get the same
> sort of results by using milk or cream to make the slurry.
> ClearJel products are good. Either the instant or regular will work
> well. Read the handling instructions on the package. For that matter,
> Therm-Flo starch will do as well and also let you freeze the gravy and
> not have it break when thawed.
> Pastorio
Heh! I like that idea (not breaking when thawed).
State Fair prizewinning jams and jellies for sale at the Burnsville
Senior Citizens Bake Sale, November 19, 2003; 9:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m.
Diamondhead Education Center, Burnsville Parkway & Nicollet Aves,
Burnsville. 952-707-4120