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Gary Gary is offline
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Default A rant about raisins.

James Silverton wrote:
> Why does Sun Maid choose to pack raisins in cardboard rectangular
> containers unlike other companies who use cylindrical ones? Especially
> when the container is partially empty you have to be very careful when
> picking it up one handed since the sides tend to collapse and down goes
> the thing to the floor, usually spilling about half a cup of raisins.
> Sweeping the floor is not something I want to do before having my
> breakfast cereal with raisins.

LOL! I always buy Sun Maid raisins and in the rectangular boxes. I
have never spilled raisins, ever. And you usually spill about a half
a cup of them....all over the floor? LMAO, you retard!

As they stick together somewhat, I usually just reach inside the
package and take some out with my hand. I then have to separate the
ones stuck together. If you insist on a cylindrical package, just take
the inner plastic package out of the box. They still won't pour easily

Sorry to pick on you but your problem/complaint is the funniest thing
I might have ever read here. If I didn't recognize your name, I would
have sworn this was just a dumb troll attempt.

You can now add me to your killfile for getting on your case.
