On 4/13/2014 9:01 AM, James Silverton wrote:
> Why does Sun Maid choose to pack raisins in cardboard rectangular
> containers unlike other companies who use cylindrical ones? Especially
> when the container is partially empty you have to be very careful when
> picking it up one handed since the sides tend to collapse and down goes
> the thing to the floor, usually spilling about half a cup of raisins.
> Sweeping the floor is not something I want to do before having my
> breakfast cereal with raisins.
Huh? Don't you re-seal the bag inside so they cannot spill?
I've been eating raisins for 6 decades and never spilled any a d don't
recall every having a box collapse. Now I buy them in a slide close
plastic bag from BJ's.
Sorry, I don't see the problem. Try the 24 oz. box