"MaryL" > wrote in
> Subject: Totally OT - happy me
> From: "MaryL" >
> Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking
> "Winters_Lackey" wrote in message
> ...
> My nephew called me this morning with some great news. He's buying 15
> acreas with a small house on it out near where we like to
> camp/swim/hike. etc. It's got a little creek running through the
> middle of it, and a few outbuildings including a woodworking shop. My
> first woodworking project is going to be building my great niece a bed
> from wood cut by me from trees. This is the next best thing to owning
> it ourselves.
> http://www.marismatrix.com/Matrix/Pu...x?tid=3&mtid=1
> =1 &key=33389376&n=32&i=9&View=Y
> The water in the little stream is from undeveloped National Forest
> land, and is essentially drinking water quality (after boiling). The
> past 3 Summers have sucked for camping because both my nephew and my
> wife's cousin (our old camping buddies) have had babies, and while we
> were bringing our son out there when he was half a year old, their
> children didn't travel well. Looks like the camping drought is
> ending.
> This is how we eat out in the woods--
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/155222...57643811280973
> --
> --Bryan
> ~~~~~~~
> Sounds wonderful. Incidentally, I was a waterfront counselor at
> several camps (one private camp plus several Girl Scout camps) *many*
> years ago. It looks like you eat much better on your camping trips
> than we did!
That reminds me of a camp where my wife's family likes to go.
It is quite expensive, and includes meals, but the food was so awful
that I ended up leaving after less than 24 hours, and they refunded my
portion of the fees. I swear, they had *burger* patties in a chafing
dish in what I called, "Hamburger au jus." The best thing on the entire
*buffet* was fish sticks. I told the manager that I couldn't see paying
to stay at a place where the meals were so awful.
On a totally different topic, we got some spectacular deals on shoes
today. I love DSW's clearance section.
You ladies will be amazed at these deals. The following are prices
after all discounts but before taxes:
2 pairs of these, one brown, one black @ $12.70 each--
These for $8.48--
And these for $18.01--
&scid=pla_google_ApparelSave&adid=18161&gclid=CJav hsSk3r0CFZJj7AodR18AZg
Plus, I got a pair of these for myself, $4.23 in women's 11/12--
All of those shoes for $55.52. The sale ends today. I love saving
> MaryL
"The 1960's called. They want their recipe back."
--Steve Wertz in rec.food.cooking 4-20-2009