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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Cut tomatoes in half quickly

Nancy Young wrote:
>Cheri wrote:
>> I didn't see it that way at all. Just goes to show that people can read
>> the same thing and have different conclusions. We were talking about
>> saving time though, so going to the cupboard to get two plates takes
>> time, and after they're cut you have to wash the plates, but I still
>> think it's a neat idea.

I see nothing "neat" about it, the results would be a bunch of
tomatoes cut every which way... and I can assure you the riper ones
would get squished. I grow lots of cherry tomatoes and I like to
quarter them through the stem end, takes very little time with a sharp
paring knife... I also often pare out the stem core.

>Even if HE put dirty dishes in the cabinet, I doubt he'd think
>we all did that. Of course he meant you have to wash them
>afterwards, if it came across another way, just think for a second
>what he was really saying.

Obviously some folks here need lessons in reading comprehension, but
first they need to acquire some common sense, and ethics... to me when
reading the full post prior to that portion being smarmily edited out
of context it was clear that the dishes would need washing AFTER
slicing the tomatoes.