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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default Whole Vanilla Beans in Ice Cream

On Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:11:26 -0400, "Steve Freides" >

>My wife and I are debating this one. We have a pile of vanilla beans
>that have been soaking in a bottle of Jim Beam (bourbon) for months
>while giving up much of their goodness for my homemade vanilla syrup.
>The question is whether or not these beans, pulverized in the food
>processor, could be used that way in homemade vanilla ice cream, or
>rather need to be opened up and the good stuff in the middle removed and
>the pod discarded.
>If anyone has actually tried this themselves, that's what I'd really
>like to hear about. Of course, you're welcomed to theorize about it,
>Thanks in advance.

Seems to me they've already given up all their YUM. Or at least most.

I'd say compost them.

John Kuthe...